
Greta Thunberg donó dinero de premio que recibió de la Unicef para luchar contra el coronavirus

La activista climática sueca Greta Thunberg ha donado un premio de 100.000 dólares ( 83 millones y medio de pesos chilenos) que ganó de Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) para luchar contra el coronavirus, informó el jueves el organismo mundial.

“Así como la crisis climática, la pandemia de coronavirus es una crisis de los derechos del niño”, dijo Thunberg, de 17 años, en una declaración de UNICEF.

“Afectará a todos los niños, ahora y a largo plazo, pero los grupos vulnerables serán los más afectados”, agregó.

“Les pido a todos que den un paso al frente y se unan a mí para apoyar el trabajo vital de UNICEF para salvar las vidas de los niños, proteger su salud y continuar con su educación”.

La organización no gubernamental danesa contra la pobreza Human Act igualará la donación de 100.000 dólares, agrega el comunicado.

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Very honoured to receive Human Act Award. The prize money – 100 000 USD – will be donated to @unicef . @HumanActDk will match this donation with an additional USD 100,000 for the total sum of USD 200,000. So today we are launching a joint global funding campaign – Let’s Move Humanity for Children in the Fight Against Coronavirus – to support UNICEF´s efforts to protect and save children’s lives during the corona crisis. The poorest and the most vulnerable people are always the hardest hit by a crisis. Just like the climate crisis, the consequences of the corona pandemic will be most damaging for children in poor countries, in the poorest neighborhoods and for those already in disadvantaged and vulnerable situations. More than 1,5 billion children are today affected by school closures. This has a direct effect on millions of children and young people’s possibilities to learn, to a lunch meal and get access to water and sanitation. More than 300 million school children rrely on schools as a source of daily nutrition. Millions of children do not have access to distance learning. The digital divide is an example of global inequalities that affects the most vulnerable children. Even if children so far generally have been spared the most severe symptoms of the Covid-19 virus, children's lives and heath are already at risk. This is mainly due to lack of access to healthcare services – both for children and pregnant women – because of vaccination campaigns being suspended as well as lack of nutrition. With the global health care services becoming overwhelmed there will be many additional child deaths in 2020. This is a global crisis and for millions of children the impact will be life long. We need to act now – for the sake of every child. The time is now, and we need your help to protect children. Donate today at https://uni.cf/fight-coronavirus (link in bio). Thank you!

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Fuente: Biobiochile.cl

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